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About Us

Liberty Home Bedford

  • A church where all races, tribes, tongues & ethnicity are untied in Christ Jesus, impacted to demonstrate the values & culture of the Kingdom of God, doing the works of service & moving in the supernatural love of God.
  • A church of chosen people living extraordinary lives, where every member longs to bring God's love to a hurting world, being trained, equipped and released to fulfil their God given purpose.
  • A church where every individual is victorious & confident in his/her area of gifting and service.
  • A school of Ministry and discipleship.
  • A body of Christ where every member is a royalty.
Welcome Image


"Proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations, liberating all lands and to unite all races in Christ Jesus"


"Reconciling nations to God through the Gospel of Jesus; Equipping them with the Word and the Spirit of God, in revelation and power; demonstrating the beauty of God in love."

confession of faith

My spirit, soul, and body are completely yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I am not ordinary, for God is at work in me, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
The favour of the Lord is at work in me in an increasing measure.
I can never be disadvantaged, for God’s grace is multiplied in my life.
I have direction for life! The Word of God is in my heart and in my mouth,
and as I speak it forth, every crooked path is made straight.
The Holy Ghost is my advantage; thus, I refuse to be intimidated.
I am from above; my experience is different from that of the masses.
I’ve been lifted and transported by the Holy Ghost into the glorious
and higher realms of life, where I only see and relate with the realities of the Kingdom.
I am a burning and a shining light; I am fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
I am full of passion for extraordinary impact with the Gospel.
I am a true and dependable minister of the Gospel, an ambassador of Christ.
I am effective today in turning many to righteousness,
and from darkness to light, through the power of the Holy Spirit that is at work in me mightily.
I am a star; I shine always, touching and impacting my world with the investment of God in my spirit.
Glory to God. Hallelujah!
